17. The Catalan Zarzuela
Several operas and authors

2 CD      ADD

  Don Joan de Serrallonga
(F.Pujols & E.Morera)
Pel teu amor
(M.Poal Aragall & J.Ribas)
Baixant de la font del gat
(Amichatis, Mántua & E.Morera)
Cançó d'amor i de guerra
(Ll.Capdevila,V.Mora & R.Martinez Valls)
La Legió d'honor
(V.Mora & R.Martinez Valls)
Gent del Camp
(V.Mora & R.Ferrés)

Romanzas and scenes from the most famous Catalan Zarzuelas premiered between 1922 and 1930. This and other works for the stage in Catalan, by Pedrell, Toldrŕ, Vives o Granados, are the counterpoint to Spanish Zarzuela and all of them enriched the musical heritage in Spain.

These artists recorded the highlights on this CD between 1925 and 1932:
Emili Vendrell
, tenor; Josefina Bugattó, soprano, Sr. Massanés, baritone, Josep Llimona, barítono, Tana Lluró, soprano, Pablo Gorgé, baritone, Joan Rosich, tenor; among others.

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